Who are the Band Boosters? We are!
Do you have a student who is part of any NBHS Band or the NBHS Color Guard? If you answered yes, then you’re a Band Booster. Welcome to the Band Family. We hope you’ll introduce yourself and join us as we gather at various events to provide support for the NBHS Band Program.

Why do Boosters exist? To support The Band Family!
The Boosters support the band director in effectively and efficiently managing the band program, ensure the safety of all students by being visibly present and providing supervision at all band events, and provide financial support for the band program. At times, we also provide support for members of the Band Family and the greater Blackhawk Community.
Much of our work together is focused on raising funds for the band program. Less than 50% of the yearly budget is funded by individual student fees. We set the annual budget based on anticipated needs, then work diligently throughout the year to raise enough funds to adequately support the Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Woodwind Ensemble, Indoor Percussion, and Color Guard. We raise funds for items such as music, the marching program, props, entrance fees to competitions, new instruments, clinicians for band camp and ensembles, and much more.
We anticipate every Band Family will volunteer a minimum of 15 hours per year to assist in raising the funds necessary to support the overall program while keeping individual student band fees low and the caliber of the program high. Without adequate support from the Band Family and our many supporters in the Blackhawk Community, we are unable to operate this very successful and highly esteemed program. More importantly, our children lose opportunities to learn, perform and participate in various band activities.
What do Boosters do? Work hard, play hard, rest, repeat!
- Have fun together while working hard to support our children? We do that!
- Manage the concession stand? We do that!
- Sewing? We do that!
- Feed the students? We do that!
- Carry the medical bag? We do that!
- Tote water to the practice field? We do that.
- Drive a bus? We do that!
- Work on equipment? We do that!
- Build things? We do that!
- Sing, dance and cheer at games and competitions? We do that!
- Call on family, friends and neighbors for support? We do that!
- Dine together at local restaurants for Give-Back nights? We do that!
- Write thank you notes? We do that!
- Make copies, write letters, send thank you notes and cards of support? We do that!
- Continually cheer for our kids and encourage each other? We do that best!
How do I join the fun?
There are many, many opportunities to join Band Family Fun. We use the Cut Time app to organize and manage band business. Each month, our Volunteer Coordinators, post events and the number of volunteers needed on the Cut Time Calendar. You should have received a link via text from us to set up your Cut Time account and can access that here. If you did not get that text from us, you will find a link to request a new “magic link” here. (Having trouble accessing Cut Time? Reach out to Wendy Fusco, our Student Accounts Treasurer.) We’ve listed below the primary events we’ll be engaged in this season. We look forward to having you join us!
If you are ever interested in volunteering as a bus chaperone, you must get a background check with Buncombe County Schools and get cleared as a level 2 volunteer. You can find that link below.
Car Washes (Mark Shook, Men In Black)
- August 26, 10-4, Burger King Parking Lot
- Set up tent/supplies
- Hold posters, direct traffic to parking lot
- Wash cars
- Interact with patrons while cars are washed
Band Camp
- 1 parent per shift, 2 shifts/day the 1st week and 3 shifts/day the 2nd week – Supervise whole group/small groups/carry medical bag in case an injury occurs
- Sell merchandise, 2nd week (Jess Larkin)
- Help Men in Black with the Student Cook-out: Friday, 8/16 (Mark Shook)
- Help Men in Black with the Slip n Slide: Thursday, 8/16 ( Mark Shook)
- Help with uniform fitting (Jayme Benfield & Anita Morton)
- Help with uniform alterations (Anita Morton)
- Help Hospitality – prep, serve, clean up meals, 2nd week of camp (Dawn Chitwood)
Football Games
- Help students get dressed in uniforms/hats (Anita Morton)
- Sell Merchandise at the games (Jess Larkin)
- Help Men in Black with moving equipment (Mark Shook)
- Bus Chaperone – Ride the bus/help supervise students/carry medical bag (2 parents per bus, 2 buses) (Julie Webb)
- Help get students dressed in uniforms (Anita Morton)
- Help Men in Black with moving equipment (Mark Shook)
Homecoming, September 27
- Parade- move equipment to/from site (Mark Shook)
- Sell BBQ tickets on Main Street (Julie Webb)
Senior Night, October 18
- Assist with pinning corsages/serving treats
Fundraising (Jess Larkin)
- August – September
- 50/50 Raffle
- October
- BBQ/Raffle, September 14
- Friday Night Shift
- Men in Black Prep/Cook/Monitor BBQ
- 1st Shift 3:00 – 5:00
- Set Up Crew
- Food Prep
- 2nd Shift
- Feed the Band – 4:00
- 2 shifts, 5:00-7:00, 7:00-9:00
- Set Up Crew
- Serving Crew
- Clean Up Crew
- To-Go Crew
- Organize/Manage Raffle
- Friday Night Shift
- BBQ/Raffle, September 14
- November
- Basketball Concession Stand
- Prepare food
- Take orders
- Clean up
- Blackhawk Bolt 5k & Fun Run
- Basketball Concession Stand
- December
- Winter Concert at Weaverville
2024-2025 Executive Committee:
President | Gail Buckner | nbhsblackhawkbands@gmail.com |
Vice President | Julie Webb | juliewalton1@aol.com |
Secretary | Deanne Stowe | deanne.stowe@bcsemail.org |
Treasurer | Wendy Fusco | nbbbfinances@gmail.com |
Committee Chairs:
Hospitality | Dawn Chitwood | dawnchit@gmail.com |
Ways & Means | Jess Larkin | nbbandwaysmeans@gmail.com |
Men In Black | Mark Shook | 1gmshook@gmail.com |
Uniforms | Anita Morton | chrisandanitam@msn.com |
Publicity | Leah Brennan | nbbandpublicity@gmail.com |
Volunteer Coordinator/Logistics | Julie Webb | juliewalton1@aol.com |